It seems to be a recurring problem around HK, that in the dead of summer we get COLD!! We step out, HEAT, step inside, FREEZE. The A/C runs wild in most HK offices and retails stores, no wonder some of us catch a cold almost instantly! The super chic must-have this summer.... and for many fall months in HK is.........the Scarf. Did I disappoint? Clearly you were thinking of something more clever perhaps? But a scarf in fact does serve its purpose - keeping you cool, and looking cool. (yes yes pun intended). With Fine'n'Rhine's stylish selection... you'll want the summer months to stay. But hey theres always winter! ;)
Hot celebs like Jessica Alba, Nicole Richie, and Lindsey Lohan rock the look - why can't you?
Of course I haven't forgotten our men.... we have colours for you too.